Gift Cards Available

A Friends gift card is the perfect present for teachers, book lovers, your best friend, your neighbor, your aunt, your accountant...we could keep going. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Physical cards are available to purchase in person at our used book sales.

Host a Book Drive for Friends of Johnson County library

Friends of Johnson County Library hosts weekly used book sales to further our mission to support Johnson County Library through programs, services, and additional funds. But we couldn’t do it without you!

We process more than 600,000 donated items each year. Books come to us in two ways: library weeds, which are books taken out of Johnson County Library circulation, and more importantly – through individual donations and book drives.

In this Toolkit, you will find the following items to help make your Book
Drive a success! Together we can promote literacy and lifelong learning in our community.

Old photograph of bookmobile with librarian and library board members

Book Drive Toolkit

Everything you need to run a successful Book Drive!

We have prepared a Book Drive Toolkit with steps on how to plan and promote your Book Drive. Ready-to-print flyers and signage are included, as well as customizable Canva Templates.

How to Host a Book Drive

How do I host a Book Drive?

  1. Determine when and where you want to hold the Book Drive.
  2. Decide how long you will hold a Book Drive.
  3. Recruit help, whether itโ€™s from your school, scout group, church, workplace, family, or friends – the more is absolutely the merrier.
  4. Register your Book Drive with the Friends once you have all of the details decided.
  5. Promote your Book Drive! We suggest promoting a few weeks in advance. We have provided posters and digital assets in our Book Drive Tool Kit to announce and publicize your event.
  6. Set up the Book Drive collection site right before the start date.
  7. Run your Book Drive!
  8. Be sure to take photos – weโ€™d love to see your work in action!
  9. Deliver the books to Friends of Johnson County Library on a Saturday between 9:00 am and 11:00 am – or contact us at [email protected] or 913.492.4791 to arrange an appointment.

Where can I host a Book Drive?

Wherever you have permission and space! We suggest asking schools, local retail businesses, offices, or religious organizations.

When should I have a Book Drive?

Book Drives can be held any time – or you can correlate the time with a literary event, holiday, or other day of personal significance.

Suggestions include:

  • Read Across America Week (March)
  • D.E.A.R – Drop Everything and Read (April)
  • National Library Week (April)
  • Children’s Book Week (May)
  • Banned Books Week (October)
  • Friends of Libraries Week (Our personal favorite – October)
  • TeenTober (October)
  • Family Literacy Month (November)

How should I collect the books?

This will depend upon how many books you hope to collect and the amount of space you have at your location. Sturdy cardboard boxes or plastic totes work well for collection. Make sure your container is large enough to find easily – and to hold all the books you’ll collect!

How long should my Book Drive be?

We recommend no less than one week – but it really depends on your goal, location, and resources. Book drives can be short-term (1-2 weeks), long-term (2-3 months), or even ongoing.

When and where do I drop off my donation?

Please deliver the books to Friends of Johnson County Library Headquarters located at 8279 Melrose Drive, Lenexa KS, on a Saturday between 9:00 am and 11:00 am – or contact us at [email protected] or 913.492.4791 to arrange an appointment.

Promote Your Book Drive on Social Media

Spread the word about your book drive by sharing these graphics and captions on your social media.

Tag us on Instagram or Facebook (@JCLFriends).

I am collecting books for the Friends of Johnson County Library! ๐Ÿ“š New and gently-used fiction, childrenโ€™s books, cookbooks, and more are welcome.

๐Ÿ“ Drop off your donation at [Location], [Insert Dates and times]. Together, we can support literacy and equal access to books in our community! #JCLFriends #JCLFriendsBookDrive

We are kicking off a book drive to benefit the Friends of Johnson County Library! Have new or gently used books at home to donate? Drop them off and help support library programs that benefit our community.

๐Ÿ“… When: [Insert Dates and times]
๐Ÿ“ Where: [Drop-off Location]

#JCLFriends #JCLFriendsBookDrive

Iโ€™m hosting a book drive and looking for new or gently used:

๐Ÿ“– Fiction & Non-Fiction
๐Ÿ‘ง Childrenโ€™s Books
๐Ÿ“š Cookbooks
๐Ÿ“• Popular Authors & Bestsellers

Every book counts! Bring your books to [Drop-off Location] on Insert Dates and times] and help support your community! ๐Ÿ“šโค๏ธ

#JCLFriends #JCLFriendsBookDrive

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